Ekjyot Charitable Foundation

The Significance of Free Eye Surgery Camps

Vision is a vital sensory organ for any individual. Without it, life is shattered & utterly dependent on others. For marginalized and disadvantaged people in India and elsewhere, access to vision-saving eye procedures is still a distant dream. This is where our charity, Ekjyot Charitable Foundation, comes in. We are among the lead service providers in Punjab and adjacent states. Where we have been organizing free eye surgery camps for impoverished communities. We have performed tens of thousands of cataract surgeries and correction procedures for refractive problems with the support and collaboration of individual donors, companies, organizations, public influencers & elected public representatives. These camps provide more than simply medical care; they are a source of hope for those in need.

Eye Surgeries in our free eye Camps

Cataracts and refractive errors are among the most common causes of vision impairment worldwide and more so in our target geographies, which include the states of Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan in India. While Vision could be restored or prevented from being damaged, the expense of surgery is typically beyond the reach of the poor inhabitants of these states. Our free eye surgery camps strive to close this gap by offering high-quality surgical care to those who might otherwise go untreated.

Role of eye camps for free eye surgeries

The free eye camps organized by charities like the Ekjyot Charitable Foundation, with support from donors and sponsors, have wide-ranging benefits and impact on livelihood. These camp initiatives held for the oppressed and remote populations provide a direct solution to vision impairment. We restore their ability to see by conducting free vision-saving surgeries like cataract procedures and refractive error repairs. With such free surgeries and follow-up treatments, we contribute significantly to their quality of life & enable them to earn a livelihood or live a dependence-free life. A life that was previously dull with blurred or obscured vision comes into focus, presenting new opportunities for people who have been treated through these camp surgeries.

Free Eye camps – A hope for those lacking access to eye care

Free or subsidised Eye camps serve as a lifeline for those lacking access to medical eye care facilities. In many underprivileged areas of Punjab, Rajasthan, and Haryana, the nearest eye clinic may be miles away, and the journey there is often fraught with challenges. By bringing these eye camps to their doorsteps, we ensure that people can get the care they need no matter where they live. With its goal to fight the evil of avoidable blindness by giving away free eye surgeries, the Ekjyot Charitable Foundation has reached even the most remote and poor areas.

Free Eye Surgeries, Transforming Lives

Ekjyot Charitable Foundation, which is a registered entity for public service, has treated ten thousand patients free of cost for their eye diseases with the assistance of generous individuals and organizations. The impact of these surgeries is not limited to the individual who got operated on for their eye disease but to the whole family that they belong to. Such free eye surgeries restore their ability to work, earn, and feed their families.

Creating Societal Impact and enabling livelihood

Getting these poor and disadvantaged people back into the public eye has significant effects on their families and the communities that they belong to. A farmer who couldn’t work before because he couldn’t see can now go back to his fields and help his family make money. The child can now do better in school even though they had trouble seeing before. This means a better future for the child and hope for the family.

Summary:  Ekjyot Charitable Foundation’s free eye surgery camps, which happen from time to time, reflect our resolve and commitment to making a difference in the lives of those who can’t afford it on their own. School-going boys and girls need to have a perfect vision to succeed and be the future of their families. Poor and under-served lives touched by these camps restart their lives with renewed hope and zeal. They start believing in themselves, and the ‘Yes We Can’ element breeds their self-belief. Free eye camps with skilled eye surgeons & eyecare professionals show this is a possibility and can be done with collective effort and collaborative initiative. By providing these services, we’re not only giving people back their sight but also their hope, their respect, and the chance to live a better life.

We contribute towards a
Blindness-free India

With free Eye checkups, free eye treatments, &
free eye surgeries help us reach those who can’t afford eye care!

Be Our Camp Partner

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