Ekjyot Charitable Foundation

Ekjyot Charitable Foundation’s Humanitarian Work to provide free eye treatments to Marginalized

Most Surveys and stats put Punjab on the edge, with a surge in visual impairments witnessed never before. Eye conditions such as Glaucoma (Kalamotia), Cataracts (Motiyabind), Age-related macular degeneration & myriad variants of Eye infections are on the rise in Punjab, signalling attention from public and private concerns. With Industry, vehicular pollution, and agricultural-related activity, the air & water quality is alarming in this part of the world. Further, the ageing population has increased the burden of visual impairment and loss due to the growth in these disorders brought on by factors including obesity, diabetes, and genetic susceptibility.

Hand holding back to everyday life

As more and more people in Punjab get these eye diseases, it’s important to make people aware of them, do regular checkups, and move quickly to lower the risks of vision loss and impairment caused by cataracts and glaucoma The goal of the Ekjyot Charitable Foundation is to empower people and restore dignity via the gift of sight, going beyond simple medical care. With its extensive network of eye clinics. Eye hospitals and mobile eye clinics, the foundation has reshaped the critical eye care industry with an emphasis on the underprivileged and marginalised segments of society, ensuring that everyone can get quality eye care regardless of social or economic status. Many people have discovered new hope in the foundation’s specialised knowledge and support facilities, which illuminate their road to a better future.

Medical Charities- A Lifeline for the Underprivileged

For those who often find themselves on the fringes of society, access to essential eye care can be a distant dream. Ekjyot Charitable Foundation has shattered this barrier, offering free eye treatments to the poor sections of society, thereby giving them hope for a renewed life. “Through consistent effort & unwavering dedication, our foundation has performed a record number of eye surgeries, particularly in the cataract segment, either completely free or at minimal costs, ensuring that no individual is deprived of essential eye care due to financial constraints,” says Dr. Manpreet Singh– one of the foundation’s Directors and a widely popular cataract surgeon in Punjab region of North India.

A Network of Compassion

Ekjyot Charitable Foundation’s impact extends beyond Punjab, resonating across neighbouring states like Rajasthan, Haryana, and Himachal & Up north into J&K. Over the years, the work of the foundation shows the spirit of service and the unshakable determination to reach out to everyone, making sure that no one is left behind on their path to a clear vision and new hope.

One foundation, many beneficiaries.

After almost nine years of public service, the Ekjyot Charitable Foundation has touched thousands of lives and lent hope for a new beginning when most of them had resigned to fate. The emotional effect of the Ekjyot Charitable Foundation’s work is shown by the continued gratitude and strings of testimonials from people who were treated for different eye diseases at our free camps. “With such tenacity, the foundation has not only brought back vision but also empowered communities with a resilient and empathetic attitude, opening the door to a more promising and inclusive future.“, says Dr Sanjeev Duggal – Director Ekjyot Charitable Foundation.

A mission for collective Change & better life

Ekjyot Charitable Foundation shows how kindness can change lives across borders. The dedication to helping others reflects the power of human connection, sparking hope and healing in the communities served by the foundation and similar initiatives for people experiencing poverty & people in need.

Ekjyot Charitable Foundation’s free eye treatments for the marginalized in Punjab and neighbouring states are a question of compassion, not just healthcare. It shows the unwavering compassion that transcends boundaries and illuminates the gloom. As we marvel at the impact, let us remember that sight is a fundamental right that allows people to experience the beauty of a caring world and the warmth of human connection.

With most of the foundation’s effort focusing on the downtrodden in Punjab for several years in a row, entire villages and communities have benefited by not just getting their vision back but also being able to make a fresh start in their life. Let us keep the taps of compassion and kindness on and give back to the society that we rightfully owe to them.

Vision for all is much beyond the slogan. It is grinding on the ground and combining effort, energy, and resources for a better tomorrow for all. Let us ride this reality together and create instances of profound happiness for as many as possible!

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